With our weekend destination set it was time for me to get this baby camp ready. Over the winter we will be reupholstering, turning our carpet into hardwood and refinishing the wood wall covering...HGTV here we come! But in the meantime I needed to transform our mess of a bus into something relatively respectable, clean and most importantly, not gross.
My tools of choice were a Shop Vac, paper towels, spray and one brand new set of 600 thread count sheets that will be our temporary cushion covers (of course we have to sleep/sit in style). Oh, and a can of Armor All which I was instructed not to use because that would be the epitome of polishing a turd. Oh Jason, every girl deserves a facial now and again...of course she will be Armor All'd.

As I was scrubbing the dirt-caked plastic floor mats in the front I was thinking about what we should name her. We had been pondering it and had even been told by a few different people that it was time for a name. Jason and I were pretty adamant that she had to come by her name organically and nothing had sounded just right as of yet. And then it dawned on me as I was silently praising my bus for shining up so nice and getting excited about actually seeing crud free mats...she shines up like a new penny! It was perfect, as Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles played softly in the background, Penny fits. That's it!
Luckily my co-bus owner agrees, although he's still not off the polishing a turd bandwagon just yet. Below our semi-shiny bus with her after-camp-prep clean and a new moniker!
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